Within the framework of Social Responsibility and its commitment to the country, the sugar mills created FUNAZUCAR in 2005, becoming one of their largest projects in this area. FUNAZUCAR is a non-profit, apolitical, non-religious and private institution. For more than 10 years it has contributed to improving the quality of life of the people living in the areas of influence of the sugar mills. It is focused on working with women and children in the area of influence, defined as agents and multipliers of the social impact of their actions. It focuses on the implementation of specific projects in the three strategic axes of its actions:

- Support to municipalities and boards of trustees in various activities.
- Support to fire departments.
- Donations to churches, health clinics, charities and various social charities.
- Repair and maintenance of roads and bridges.
- Donation of technological equipment, teaching materials and furniture to schools.
- Donation to the communities.

- Reforestation and forest conservation.
- Use of biological pest control.
- Use of state-of-the-art technology and environmentally friendly machinery in the sugar production process.
- Environmental training.
- Investment in water harvesting.
- Production and donation of plants.
- Reuse of wastewater in crop irrigation